Monday, March 1, 2010

the phone conundrum

so yeah, i've been hankering for a new phone for a while now. one that could further "enhance my life" by singing into my ears on my train ride home from work. one that would capture visual delights for posterity and blogposts :) one that would clean my house and do my assignments. one that would save the cheerleader and the world.

but really, the joystick on my phone is kinda misbehaving and i don't wanna be stranded at a most inopportune of time. and my charger on the other hand died on me last week and i have been charging my phone using the USB port which takes forever and a day. and it has been 4 years since my last buy..

so, my want.. my NEED is rather justified, doncha think? ^__^

there are like a million options out there, and since i don't keep up with the trend, i didn't know where to begin my search. that, plus i can be irrationally fussy, i came up with some rules to narrow down my options.

  1. re touch screen phones -- i thought about them, and kinda decided that i don't like them, mostly because their wide screens mean grimes and facial oil and constant wiping. and oh yeah, these phones are wayyy beyond my budget anyways. hehe..

  2. i like candy bar phones. flipping or sliding a phone open is sooo pretentious (LOL!) and me being the clumsy me, i would damage the mechanism in no time.

  3. i want wi-fi capability. this way, i can stay connected wherever whenever. AS IF I'M NOT CONNECTED ENOUGH. i'm practically risking over-exposure. mulling a digital fast for Lent. still mulling. hahaha..

  4. i would like a sony ericsson phone cos i'm used to its functions. i don't like nokia: have never owned one, and would like to stay that way. i don't know why i feel this way, so i'll leave it to my aforementioned irrationality to explain it. hahaha.. [btw 1st phone - siemens, 2nd - samsung, 3rd - sony ericsson.. mm i see a pattern here. :)]

anyways, here are the few contenders left standing after the elimination process. obviously, not very well eliminated, and not much research done. hehehe..

  • nokia e71

pros: cool design, has wi-fi, qwerty keyboard
cons: it's a nokia, it's an old model (c. 2008), qwerty keyboard (yeah, both a pro and a con)

  • nokia e52
pros: candy bar, same features as the nokia e72, has wi-fi
cons: it's a nokia, design (it's too long)

  • sony ericsson u100i
pros: latest model, canggih camera & audio functions, sony ericcson
cons: no wi-fi, more of a gaming phone

pros: it's an SE, has wifi, walkman series (= awesome audio), decent camera, cheap(est of the lot)
cons: it's a slider phone

hehehe.. i thought really long about this, but i've made up my mind after annoying half the world with my "which one??" question. the w705i it is. i hope to get a pink model. pink! so in your face kan.. hahaha.. ya, ya.. it's a slider phone and i compromised. :P

i can't wait!! ^___^

some disclaimers before i end:
  1. no, i didn't get a big fat bonus (or any at all), and my angpow money somewhat covers only what went out. my dearest sister is subsidizing a substantial amount to help cover my cost. i dedicate this phone to you, dear sis -- it would be affectionately named 'piggy'. it's pink anyways. ^__^

  2. yes, i kinda have "connections" ;) - each phone would cost me less than rm1k (whatever the dealer's price is).

  3. no, unfortunately, i won't be able to pull this string for you. sorry!

1 comment:

  1. hey there...
    interesting, how you picked a pink slider of all phones out there...piggy? aww...
    I'm getting a pink slider too (the w595) pretty soon. it looks so similar that I asked you if it was that model i remember?
    this phone (i did my research ok)is like the more 'canggih' version of the w595...with the Wifi and etc...but like most SE walkmans the cam is a bit below par...
    thanks 4 your recomendations earlier=)
