Monday, January 10, 2011

i’ve been trying to figure out why i use my social network tools the way i do. i have almost every account out there, from facebook to twitter to linked-in, to a dozen registered blogs and a couple of photo sharing accounts.. and yet, i am always consciously maintaining the border of one with another. rarely the twain shall meet is my order for the day.. so i hardly mention one in the presence of the other. i perceive my usage to be an anomaly, a misnomer, a paradox, and half imagine that i were to be found out, the social network police would throw their books at me.

maybe someday i will understand why i scatter myself all over cyberspace, and my resistance to consolidation. for now, i present to you the latest box containing snapshots of my life (mainly food :P but hey, that's my life! ;), all the way over at tumblr -- life is one surreal ride.


i registered it on a whim and didn't really know what to do with it until i got the Instagram app on my iPhone, and then it made sense (in my head, but of course). i just love it when things do, don't you? ^___^


  1. you know....there are actual job postings out there for Social Media Manager. You should give it a shot...

  2. haha yeahhh.. i just got forwarded one such vacancy on jobstreet :D and woman, where is your blog.. i've started 3 while waiting for you!! :D
