Monday, April 9, 2012

an intermission

dearest lee hom

now that i've been a diehard fan of yours for a FULL MONTH, i think it's time to "shake" this relationship up a bit, after all, you did sing "唯一永遠不改變是不停地改變". i can't stay a bright eyed bushy tailed fangirl forever. i mean, i adore you like any other fan would, but this has to be said; and if anyone hasn't told you this, allow me: you need to get a better lyricist -- for your ballads specifically.. i'm showing signs of lactose intolerant from the cheese level in some songs.

you have an amayyyzing voice (like when you held that note at the end of the bridge in 落葉歸根 or effortlessly hit those notes in 愛錯, i can't help but sigh in appreciation, and i was totally in awe of how smoothly - for a non-native speaker - you rapped the last part of 在梅邊) and you have a knack for creating catchy and memorable melodies; but those can be overshadowed by the likes of 依然愛你 or 我們的歌 or Everything with their banal lyrics. I cannot help but disagree with your sentiment that 聽了一百遍 怎麼聽都不會倦. there are listeners who prefer to beyond just melody.. i guess i just wish there was a bit more depth and more breadth to the lyrics; your songs could be so much more, ya know.

another thing, you should take a break already! it's one thing that life is short and you want to accomplish everything yesterday, and that it's in your perfectionist nature to be devoted (practically married) to your craft. i don't doubt it that you makan minum main music, but i do hope that you would give yourself rest and some space to replenish those creative juice. i just get the idea that you might have been overdrawing on that account. so.. take a year or two off, fall in love, go write a symphony, write/direct a better movie (your directorial debut was...n't very well executed :P), travel the world.. then when it's time, make a huge comeback :) don't worry about us, we'll make do with your 15 albums and youtube while you are away.

sorry if i sounded presumptuous and have unrealistic expectations. i probably am and i probably do, but for now, i would like to get that off my chest before resuming listening to your songs. it's been a good run, i only regret not knowing you earlier (my loss!), so imma keep going til the steam runs out (i'll be slotting in some David Tao in between. you guys were awesome *here*, so pretty please do something official together!)

do come back to our shore soon.


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