Saturday, May 24, 2014

a perfect weekend

I practically live for the weekend, but don't all of us corporate slaves do? I have a strict no-work weekend (with exceptions when urgent matters come about of course)(a bit guilty about this rule cos it's not like I pour everything into work during the week--Exhibit A: most Fridays). I used to be out and about on the weekends esp with church stuff for years but these days, a perfect weekend goes something like this:

Fri night - staying up til 3am catching up on my favorite TV shows
Sat morning/noon - brunch with hubby (if he's in) or sleeping in till noon (if he's out/traveling)
Sat afternoon/evening* - no tuition, pottering about the house, cleaning or meeting up with the girls
Sat night - church and/or dinner with hubby and/or best buds
Sun morning/noon - mamak breakfast before church, quick lunch and then coffee and desserts
Sun evening - quick nap on my cool living room floor and then dinner with parents
Sun night - lazing around at home, preferably not having to dread Mon morn

*bonus for Saturday if hubby's not around: not having to talk to anyone until evening (Whatsapp's okay) - I've had a few "silent Saturdays" and they were awesome!

Priscilla Ahn - A Good Day (Morning Song)

Morning, sunrise, open my eyes,
And I can tell it's gonna be a good day,
I can tell it's gonna be a good day

Did you sleep well? Did you dream at all?
Can you tell me the time on the the alarm clock?
I can tell it's gonna be a good day
I can tell it's gonna be a good day

But you can sleep in, you just keep dreamin' for us
I can tell it's gonna be a good day
I can tell it's gonna be a good day

A good day...

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