Tuesday, November 16, 2010

mothers know best.

in a chat with a bumming buddy of mine a.k.a. left barnacle a.k.a. jazzy "iwanttoseemynameontheblog" ching (-_-) tis morning:

there's this movie im semi watching while chatting and doing my work
its christmasy show between mother and daughter
mother is like this writer and mother comes to visit...

overbearing but fun woman
so she comes in and goes through her daughter's wardrobe and goes..
all black???? dont u have any colors?
and the daughter was sullen and replies.. yes.. brown and blue.

im in blue today

but the daughter's annoyed la...cos she was like fussing over the daughter, get a wax, trim ur eyebrows etc

ahhahaha i can so relate!
wads the movie's name



[i'm not sure if i've blogged about this, but once my mother called me out of the blue and our e-n-t-i-r-e conversation was about how alllll my clothes are black and how she would never see me in brighter colours and how this would affect my health my life and the planet's political and geological balance. the Queen of England even made a cameo in the conversation because apparently mom read in the newspapers that the Q always travel with a pair of black suit, in case there is a funeral to go for, and so black is for funeral.

and then she made me promise that i would never ever ever buy another black piece of clothing. and when i didn't wanna say no, she tried guilt-tripping me! aww mom. i know she meant well but i was sooo annoyed (called my sis to rant but instead sis got annoyed). but the next time i shopped for a dress, i got this cute red and white number cos i could hear her in my head the whole time.

after that purchase however, my next were 2 black and a grayish blue (the one i'm wearing today =) dresses. i have no idea how that happened. :D

btw a few days after that conversation, we dropped by their place on the way back home. it wasn't a planned visit. i was in black officewear from top to toe, and it was my hubby's bday. go figure how the tête-à-tête with mom went. hahaha..]

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