Monday, May 24, 2010

asking for directions

excuse me, sir, i think i'm lost..
i'm looking for.. erm, where is that line, the one that separates knowledge and faith?

i've been looking for a while now.. and frankly, i'm not even sure if it exists.
how does it look like? would i know if it stares me in the eye?
should i recognise it by faith? or by my experiences, what i've always known?
or is it a little of both?
how far do i go with the former before i let the latter take over?
or is the latter a constant that just goes all the way?
does one validate the other? which?
aiyor, so confusing wan. how lar? at this rate--
oh you know?


so, it's near where every other tension couplets meet? mm, i think i know that place.
it's just up there isn't it, around the corner and a second away from that other line where i would just totally lose it. uh-huh.


i think i see it. kthxbai!

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