Friday, July 23, 2010

shutter island x (matrix)power of 2 = inception

warning: spoiler alert. DO NOT PROCEED if you have not watched the show. you wouldn't get it anyways. hehehe..

in the mean time (make sure you leave before this part is over), toy story 3 was not bad at all. :D

i didn't cry though. and e/time i watch something and not cry when others who have seen it said they'd bawled their eyes out, i feel guilty. it's like i've a heart of stone or none at all. worse still, i tear (or laugh inappropriately) at random scenes in other movies (examples escape me now). i confuse myself sometimes.


annnnnnd, we're back!

so yeah, inception was awesome (the thesaurus cringes).

chris nolan (memento > i wanna watch, the dark night) delivers again, as do leo dicaprio and the entire cast (ellen page = w00t || joseph gordon-levitt = hawwt).

hands down one of the three best movies i've seen this  year (and this year i've seen quite a bit)(the other two being shutter island, and that quaint lil claymation, mary and max)(sorry, toy story 3)

like what The Star's reviewer says, don't read any reviews before you go in, and just let the movie blow your mind away and put it back together again (hi, chongy :P)

and if you are altogether very confused thereafter, go here for a detailed run down of the plot, characters, rules etc. very helpful.

and as for the final scene, i'm all for the spinning thing to stop spinning.. it would be really sad if dom cobb (leo) never got out. :( but it would be real cool if michael caine suddenly leads leo down to the batcave.. maybe batman 3 will start from there. anything is possible, no? :D

At the climax of the film, Mal throws deep questions at Cobb (and the audience) asking if having faceless corporations chase somebody around isn’t yet another dream state. She questions the very nature of reality for all of us and certainly whether or not the faux reality of film isn’t its own sort of dream state – a place where fantastic things occur – an imagined place we as movie goers share and perceive differently and fill with our own subconscious views and interpretations.


what do you think? :)

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