Wednesday, December 29, 2010

so yesterday i was window shopping in KLCC after lunch, and i saw this gorgeous red trench coat on sale in MNG -- RM269 from the original RM499. i was immediately and totally smitten, cos FYI, it's precisely what i had put down in the list of things i reeeeeealllly wanted (practicality optional) :D

so i tried it on for size and i loved it. srsly, i do.

ok, so i don't look as good as the model does (i'm way shorter -- the hem reaches my knees when i had it on) but... it's so pweettyyy..

i don't remember what stopped me from swiping the card, but i did. told the saleslady to hold the piece for me, and that i would come get it the end of the day. i didn't. it's a RM269 that i can't afford to spare right now, even though my credit card suggests otherwise. the heart is torn!

i hope i don't regret it!

it's so pweetttyyy..

1 comment:

  1. when i left, M'sia was still a tropical country eh...
