Sunday, December 1, 2013

fact: cats sleep an average of fifteen hours a day


I didn't even get the chance to properly say goodbye to November. December is already 35-minute old as I write this. I'm so tired right now everything's a blur. And it's beyond my own understanding why I'm not curled up in bed, and that I'm here typing away instead. I guess it's my masochistic side teasing me, or that I'm reacting to my own plan of waking up at noon tmrw (whee) because I know I still could get at least 11 hours of sleep after this.

Anyway it's been a tiring month, one marked with extensive traveling (just checked the calendar and found that I have only been home two weeks in the past five)(wow)(whee), and being under the weather. I'm not going to complain about any of that, because in the end, I have enjoyed the days away, although I didn't realise my body is so weak. But no, not gonna complain. :)

I've been working on a book project at work, which aims to chronicle the company's birth and growth over the past five decades. One of the things that we have had to do was talking to people, in particular the company's pioneers, key management personnel and long-serving staff, so the past few months have been the most intense in term of human contact hours I've ever had in my life. I think I've probably met close to fifty people so far (and with each meeting lasting an average of 90 minutes (the longest was 4 hours, the shortest, 30minutes), that's like 4,500 mins (75 hours)(wow)(wow.) of getting people to opening up and thinking back to the good (and not so good) old days and talking and listening. So much talking (them) and so much listening (me) omg. Thank God I'm not writing the book (we've commissioned a writer) because I wouldn't know where to begin. And end.

Anyway, I brought this up because I got to meet a spectrum of people and their various perspectives on life. There were those who are going strong and active despite being advanced in years. Chatting with them has been inspiring and amazing. You feel like life has so much to offer, and that you would like to be up and about and all over even when your whole head's gray. And on the other hand, there were a few.. for a lack of a better term, zombies. Tired, cynical, stuck in a rut, counting the days to when they will punch the time card for the last time (figuratively speaking). And the whole time I was with them, I kept thinking how I don't want to end up like that! I'm not terribly ambitious, and I'm getting comfortable where I am.. but I just don't want to be that listless and dull as I grow older.

I won't right? Mm, right.

Anyway, Thanksgiving's just passed. Too bad we don't celebrate it here, but 'sokay, I'm still really thankful for everything I have. The tangible and felt but especially the unseen and uncountable. Okay, I should go. The hotel bed is calling my name.. and I can't wait to go home tomorrow. Last thought before I slip into unconsciousness for the next 660 minutes: if December would last 60 days, I'd appreciate it very much. Kthnxbai.

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