Monday, December 9, 2013

look who has been a good girl this year..

So yeah, Christmas came early, and..... I got a new phone! :) It's exactly three years to my iPhone 4 purchase, and it has been seriously lagging in performance (erm, not helped by the fact that I have over 5,000 photos and gigabyte after gigabyte of songs; yup, my bad)(also not helped by the fact that it could ill-afford to support the iOS7 upgrade so the apps have not been updated in a while).. I suppose I could have continued using it (that was the plan but I think the slow response time was getting to me), but I finally "caved in" to the voice in my head that screams "get a new phone already!" and somehow managed to con my husband into getting me a new phone haha! Thankiew husby! *heart*

Hey wait, come to think of it, he was the one who planted the idea in my head! He kinda asked me a few months back if I would like to change the phone, I was kinda taken by surprise at the question then because I hadn't said anything to him about my phone, but apparently I've been absentmindedly making remarks about the slowed performance. Awww it's sweet that his ears actually perked up to that haha.. And because he never said "No" when I said I'd only change if he gets it for me, I kinda warmed up to the idea la la la.

Anyway, it took me forever to convince myself that I actually needed a new phone. The main reason was that it's not cheap (close to RM2k yo) and I'm not the kinda person who simply upgrades her phone (I do have a frugal side to me).. yeah, I struggled for a lonnngggg time with the decision, and even wrestled with guilt for a good two weeks after the purchase (hence my delay in blogging about it). Thankfully I have since come to term with it (I know, my choice of words in the past two sentences made it sound as if I was going through some life-changing crisis right? Go ahead and roll your eyes!), and am very much enjoying my new toy.

So may I present you.. *drum rolls please* ... the new extension of my arm, the HTC One!

Why not the iPhone, you might ask, since I've been using it the past 3 years? Am I not more used to its interface and usability? That's actually a good reason under normal circumstances but I decided I kinda had enough with Apple and their antics. Remember how I lost all my contacts when I tried to sync it to iCloud? And how all my painfully updated album covers went haywire after one of the numerous iOS upgrades? The perfectionist in me almost committed suicide. And sync-ing with iTunes? Bleh. The only thing I love about the iTunes is the convenience of music buying, which I strongly advocate if you could afford it =).

So it was a good thing that I came across this article and I was completely sold on the idea of switching to Android. And so.. Android phones.. why HTC and not the ubiquitous Samsung? Erm, for that very reason. I never owned a Nokia in my life because they were everywhere back then, almost literally so. I like to be special I guess *cough* (I realised my logic sometimes doesn't hold water in the real world). So erm why did I have an iPhone back then since it was also everywhere? Well, I might have decided on it in a moment of weakness lol! Just kidding - I don't need to defend myself, do I? :P Anyway, I would have gone for a Windows phone then but its app market was still in infancy stage and I had no desire to be a guinea pig. So yeah, I've no regret going with the iP4, it was the best phone then.

So yeah, HTC. For whatever reason, I had always wanted an HTC - even back when I was first scouting for a smartphone, but there wasn't anything that especially caught my eye (or rather, met my budget). If I were to choose a reason behind my wanting of the  HTC, it was because my friend L got one a few years back, and I remember there was this app called Google Sky Map that would show you the names and positions of major constellations visible to our naked eyes. I was so mesmerised by it and in fact it was one of the first apps I looked for in iTunes when I got my iPhone, only to find it wasn't available on that platform (lol, just found out that I actually blogged about this). So yeah, that has been on my mind at least the past three years. But I can't just get a phone for one app right? And wouldn't Samsung have the app too? Thankfully, the HTC One has gotten really good reviews and is widely regarded as one of the top phones in its category, so I didn't need much persuasion to go with it.

Oh yeah, this last piece of the puzzle came later but it sealed my decision: The One has two additional brownie points going for it... okay, I'm going into fangirl mode, just so you are warned... for one, Leehom endorses and uses an HTC Phone (he switched some time last year and here he is in NY Times Square doing a commercial for the One so yeah, woot!).. andddd.. the audio system in the One is provided by beats, yup, the very one by Dr Dre, who as we all know, is Eminem's mentor. So ta-dah! My two most favorite singers, connected by One phone... so yeah, what can I say but SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!


Moving on, 'tis the time of the year.. the annual Big Bad Wolf book sale is upon us once again. Like how people look forward to some music festivals, I look forward to this particular cheaper-than-dirt book sale.. it's really the best thing since.. sliced bread (urgh for lame idiom but right now, I have nothing better to offer). Brand new books go for as low as RM3 (USD1), with the average paperback going for RM8 and hardcover between RM10 and RM25. While I would lurrrve to splurge (I do love a book with a nice cover, and there were so many!), I usually cap my spending at RM200, which is really a pittance compared to how much other book lovers spend, but that amount yielded me a good 22 books (some are not pictured below because I haven't bought them yet at the time the photo was taken - yup, I've gone there twice over the weekend - on Fri with J and again last night with the husband, and I won't mind another round before they're done) and I'm more than delighted. I'm a slow reader and this is just the right number of books to keep me occupied for the next 12 months. So yes, I'm a happy bunny all around. Xoxo!

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