Monday, April 5, 2010

the post with not one, not two, not three, not five, not six, not seven, but FOUR youtube vids! whee!

on the easter weekend
i had a good friday. lol. sent out a chat meme asking what was everyone's thought about easter. got interesting answers ranging from "been busy - never really thought abt it" to some pretty lengthy discourses. mine? when i can get down to writing it, i'll post it up on the other blog k. ;)

was went to church for prayer meeting - enjoyed the sharing and praying together. it was a quiet, contemplative evening as i had expected, so i was glad!

Sat was a full day for me - was up by 545am - was invigilating an exam over at UM so i had to get to IBBM office by 7. when that --

which included a crazy morning as candidates left the first session by the swarms and a misconduct case - sigh -- why does it always happen on my watch!

-- was over, made my team pack in record time (without missing out on anything of course ;) so that we could hurry back to the office to deliver the exam material. barely had time to catch up with my ex-colls as i had to rush back to church for performance practice --
did this song with boy weiwen and it was very well received! ^^ *pats selves on back* we had only 2 practice sessions prior due to our tight schedules, but because we are big RK fans, they went smooth ler. happyness! not that i was looking for approval ahem, but the many "well done! we love the song!" that we got aft the service made it very worthwhile. girl weiwern (see why the gender distinction has to be made? :) thought that we sounded very well together. this was the 2nd time i sang with him, after christmas' how many kings performance - works out to be a charm. i wish ppl are more like u, b_ww!

relient k :: getting into you
(yeah i've posted this before :)

-- and music practice. it was combined service for easter, so i had to lead bilingually. but i can't. hahaha... thank God for singers who could! :) i really enjoyed practice - i think jive is quite an awesome drummer. hehe.. both the soo bros have very good work ethics. good job, auntie susin! :P

where was i. um. nvm. we'd a guest speaker - ps kevin gan - cos my pastor was not feeling well. for the life of me, i don't rber what he preached about. haha.. he was expounding on the story of the prodigal son, how the church is like the older brother. "all that i have is yours"

after service we'd lunch at church, mingled around a little bit. but still not enough. there was this guy whom i've not spoken to despite him having been in our church for what, 2 years? bee said she'd intro us, but i was suddenly reluctant. sigh. told her next time la. it's so weird kan. well, he's the rest of the YAs to talk to, so it was OK la.

after service, i was heading home when g_ww texted to ask if i wanna study. NO-I WANT TO SLEEP! but i did. haha.. we hung out at the lovely Societea, a cosy tea place, with her reading for CFA and me for my nite class exam. i was a little dizzy earlier but it soon developed into a splitting headache the size of the grand canyon. when i got home, i was so close to tears but i couldn't cry cos i was too tired. wah - srsly thought i would die from that. but i woke up this morn -- after an superb 12 hour sleep -- still on earth and headache gone. whee! ;)

bloooooo skyes
i love this new vid by owl city. i wouldn't be surprised if skies somewhere are actually like that. this is silly but i could cry if i stood under one of those. ;)

owl city :: vanilla twilight

they is coming to kayell. i wonder if i should go, since i will be missing out on West Side Story anyways on account of cost. :( booohooo.. it's definitely a cheaper form of entertainment plus i haven't been to a concert since '08.. but i only know a couple of their songs. tak syiok oso. see how la. :)

i've asked a friend who went back to US to help me send my zune to the service centre and see if it was fixable. but my zune never made it louisiana - someone stole it from his luggage during an interstate flight. UNITED AIRLINES - you suck! but we know that already.

check out this is a vid made by a Canadian band who had a terrible experience flying united airlines - the airline workers broke their $3.5k guitar and the airline refused to compensate so they made this vid to get its attention - and it worked! (read the story here) maybe i should do the same.. konon-nya. :P

dave carroll band :: united breaks guitar

on being overtly opinionated
there are just some people who because they think they are right, also think that they MUST shove down their opinions down others' throats. everyone is entitled to their opinion fine, but why do you have to remove all doubts that you are an intelligent life form incapable of even the basic level of intra-species communication when you open your mouth? and when i mimic you, please, it wasn't meant to flatter. i just want to point out how ridiculously obnoxious you are. pfffbt!

mm i'm ranty today. wad's going on?


anyways, here' stg awesome to end the post. i don't care much for the song, but the 4-min rube goldberg contraption is just awesome. someone asked if OK Go are a bunch of geeks who happen to be rock stars or are they rock stars who moonlight as geeks. hehe.. 'tis just amayyyzing!

ok go :: this too shall pass

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