Wednesday, October 16, 2013

will anything I'm doing now matter in..

a month? three? seven?
a year? two? eleven?
twenty-five when I retire?
thirty-five when I expire?


  1. The thing about me is that I just ask the questions, but I won't spend the time to figure the answers. Maybe I'm just afraid to find out what they may be. Or maybe I already knew the answers, but I'm just keeping them in my heart, in my head, for what I don't know. I just do.

    Questions, questions, so many questions.

  2. Btw, I love this entry. I know it's a bit narcissistic to say that because I was the one who wrote it, but I do. I love the rhyme, juvenile as they may be, but just seeing them makes me happy. The number of syllables on corresponding lines matches as well, 5-5 and 8-8. It's always the little things that make me smile, and this is one of it.

  3. "... Early warning signs of schizophrenia

    Replaying or rehearsing conversations out loud- i.e. talking to yourself..."

    1. Hello, this whole blog is me talking to myself. But that's okay, because I'm not alone hehehe.. Someone is doing it with me ;) -->
