Friday, March 5, 2010

i was late to my night class at the bible college yesterday -- technical problems with the Putra train (nothing new) leaving commuters stranded in the stuffy tunnel leading to the train. and my phone's batt died on me (of all days).

anyways, i got to class about 15mins late, and the lecturer had distributed back the exam papers so i went up to him during the break to ask for it.

what's your name?

it's ellis, with an E.

ah yes, very interesting spelling.

*smiles* yeah.

i've realised something then that i have known all my life, but at that moment it struck me again.

my name was given by my english-illiterate Dad. i never knew where he got it from (asked him once but he didn't remember). but if he did pluck it from thin air, i am SOOO glad that it's Ellis (already uncommon as it is) and not Orangina or Febreeze or Gryffindor or Patrick, for all the difference it makes to him!

*grateful* ^__^

ooh, i have just realised i still owe you a story. haha.. see la how..


  1. what's d story morning glory?

  2. i actually forgot.. hahaha.. wah u very free now ke.. leaving msgs all over my blogs..

  3. *hush* hehe... wat??? how can u forget!! then don't tease us la :p

  4. -__-"" who so free to tease u. btw i'll be away to miri fr tmr til next wed. will be in jungle - doubt there will be reception. if anything, pls send a smoke signal, but i can't imagine wad u need to burn. haha..
