Thursday, July 26, 2012

then and now

this was how i introduced myself in my profile when i had my first blog back in 2004 (has it been that long?!) -- some of you long time readers (who are you? is there anyone else other than my sis? haha..) might remember it:
i'm married to a man of the cloth. you would imagine me well coiffed and manicured, wise and shrewd, great with kids and smooth with adults, that i cook like nigella and garden like jamie, and prance and pirouette like everyday's summer with a halo over my head and a harp in my hands. but yeah, i am *nothing* like that, and will not be. cheers to my crazy, rebellious and stubborn self. :)
ten blogs and this-being-the-second-official-one later, this is my profile in the current blog (as you can see from the top right box):
i am patient #51773. i am a child of God.
if you have ever wondered why, it's actually from Mark 2:17: On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." and 51773 is my name read upside down (check it out on the calculator. i just think it's sooo cool that my name can do that =). i wish it was a prime number, but it's actually divisible by 23.

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