Monday, August 13, 2012


i sang back-up in church on Sunday for the first time after about 8 months of not singing. but it was at a different church, with a different team.

so was i excited? i don't know. was i nervous? mm not really.. about being on stage, yes, about singing, no. how did it go? erm it went normal. i might have sung a bit louder than i should. :\ i don't really know what to feel about it, but i miss my old team. i miss worship leading. i miss the whole.. experience.

anyway, i won't be able to sing often as the hubby goes preaching at other churches quite frequently (about 2-3 times a month) and i do go with him. but i will try to commit to once a month. honestly, being away so often makes it more difficult for me to settle into this new church (i still have trouble with many names and i find it embarrassing to have to ask again) but deeper down inside, i relish the fact that we are not there all the time, because the thought of getting to know a whole load of people makes me wanna just crawl into my closet and stay there till everyone leaves.

but i know it's inevitable.. it's times like this that i really wish my sanguine side would just take over and charm the socks off everyone. but the introvert part of me just decided it would be in charge.. so yeah.

oh well, the good thing is the people don't look like they are going to bite :D what i also like here is that there are people closer to my age, but whom i've not really spoken to yet. i'll just go with the flo' now.

anyways, this happened on Sat during practice. there was this backup singer who was with me, a young boy. i was chatting with him in between practice, and asked if he was studying and where. he said he's in form 6 and i found out that we were from the same alma mater -- st john's. and i was like "oh cool.. i went there too! gosh i'm your senior by many many years... let's see... that was way back in 96/97..." and then i jokingly asked, "so were you born yet?" and as he every so briefly paused to think, i was like "uh oh.." and he said "erm.. oh yes i was.. i was born in 1994."

and i was like -_____________________-

and then i was like T____________________________T

and i am still like T____________________________T

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