Tuesday, December 31, 2013

goodbye, 2013.

Mm this has been a good year. But what's good? I don't know. No major mishaps? I'm grateful. I went over my posts to see what has happened in the past 365 days. Unless I forgot some major entries, it has been an uneventful year. But really, I'm thankful. :)

Started the year with a bang in chilly Taiwan! We crossed over from 2012 on a rooftop watching fireworks shooting out of Taipei 101.

Dined in the dark to celebrate J's bro's birthday.

Lost all my iPhone contacts. Thanks, iCloud, thank you very much. Can't believe it's been a year, and yes, I'm still feeling it.. hence my switch to Android :)

Fasted 40 days from anything Leehom for Lent. Pleasantly surprised that I could actually do it!

Watched Leehom in concert with WW. It was every bit as good as I had hoped it to be. :)

Started vocal lesson - I felt like my voice was getting rusty from lack of practice - and quit a month later. The classes weren't helpful.

Got hooked on Quora. Addiction has since worsened.

Contemplated motherhood for real.

Revisited Bali with the husband.

Re-read Mark Haddon's The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night for the n-th time. :)

Transcribed Leehom's speech at Oxford Union, and the post has been consistently the most visited page on this blog. And it's still getting 10s of hits every day. Are people still reading that speech?

The long-awaited general elections finally happened. Enrolled as a voting agent. Ended the day with heartbreak - it wasn't the change I had wanted, but I'm sure there was a reason for it.

Singapore round 1 with A and C. The last and only trip we had was one decade ago. It was good to reconnect with them, and know that time hasn't eroded the friendship that we've built although we hardly keep in touch these days.

David Tao released his album Hello Goodbye. :)

D saw Brendan Buckley in action in LA and even managed to chat him up. :)

Created my first Wikipedia page!

Relient K released their album Collapsible Lung. :)

Singapore round 2 with Jayzayyy.. ^_^ Watched The Phantom of the Opera, perhaps my only musical outing for the year. But it was good enough. Wonder what would be in store next year :) I need a reason to visit Singapore!

Night class at BCM, after two year's absence. I know I always fall back to this excuse (haha!), but really, ISFP is not made for academia. Lol!

Started obsessing over Eminem. Listened to every song, downloaded every album, read every article, watched every YouTube video. Yup, I signed up for the Frothing-Mad-Fangirl package. :)

Taiwan again! We explored different places this time, and changed hotel every night. I would have preferred a different kind of itinerary, but it was still good for most part. My dad drove me nuts with his wanting to eat 9-course spread every meal.

Celebrated 11 years of nuptial bliss and blisters. :)

Decided to stay in the job for another year.. and probably two decades more. Gulp.

Eminem released his album The Marshall Mathers LP 2. :)

Youngest bro registered his marriage.

Committed to meeting up with S and J regularly to have open and honest discussion about our faith. Have met up twice so far.

Reached midlife. 35 woohoo.

Came back from trip to Miri for at least the 12th time this year. I flew extensively this year, even if it was only to Miri. Woohoo frequent flier miles!

Got myself a new phone. :)

Leehom got married!!!!!!! :) They look so good (in every sense) together, I'm so happy for them!

Mm. Had a relaxing month for the first time in a gazillion (do ppl still use that?) years. Probably still in disbelief that the year was ending so soon.

That's about it. Okay, quite uninspired to write so going to end this now.. but will have more in my next post. Thank you, 2013, for being kind. Xoxo.

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