Thursday, May 2, 2013

agent #51773

There is so much I want to write about this coming 13th elections, but I think I'm being overwhelmed by the overload of information on FB. But I'm praying fervently for a clean and fair election. For justice and mercy to be instated. For change of government. The ruling parties have pretty much sucked the nation dry in the 55 years they have been in power, and I hope they won't get the mandate to continue to pilfer us for another five years.

Anyway, I've volunteered to be a Polling Agent, and I'm pretty much freaking out. My main fear is that I would fail in my duties (but I was assured that my presence in the room is already 50% of the battle won). It shouldn't be this hard, if the playing field is level. But it's not. The current gov is pulling all stops in ensuring that they hang on to whatever they have left. Blardy thieves and scoundrels!

But, this is it. My heart says, Ini kalilah. 

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