Wednesday, April 17, 2013

i wanna be a rock star!

but nothing like what nickelback sang about!

i do want to own the stage like no one has ever had it. i want to write and belt anthems that would be sung for generations---people would study even the lyrics as one would of great literature. i want go on world tours and play sell-out stadium shows. i'd bring the house down before i break a sweat. i'd top every chart and headline major music festivals. then i'd be appointed as a UN Ambassador and then be the face of a major philanthropic organisation. yeah, sounds like a plan!

oh, and brendan can be my drummer. but only if he promised not to steal my thunder. hello there, drummer boy! :D

ah, so much possibilities in the realm of my imagination!


oh gosh, is this... could it be... OH NO, NOT MIDLIFE CRISIS!!!! O____O NOOOOOOOOOOO...

but really, if I were a rock star (or any star for that matter), I wanna be Jon Foreman. so profound, so humble, so talented.



  1. wonderful dreams Ellis! i just want to be able to belt out a tune 'in tune' and have a beautiful singing voice like you. i would play at small venues ( with Brendan as my drummer).
    But I think he will steal your thunder like he stole Melissa Etheridge's. wink wink.

    1. mayyybe you can brush up your violin and play for me, like how Minnie Driver has a violinist on her band too :D and yeah, BB would definitely be there too! :D
