Saturday, February 6, 2010

i watched two movies today - both of which i've been itching and scratching to watch for ages! THANK YOU, BIT TORRENT!!!! hehe.. it's a shame i never used you earlier.

anyways, because you my astute readers *ahem* know i only recommend the best and nothing but*, so do be an angel and catch these if you haven't already. :)

so. i started the morning with a delicious serving of coraline

ooh the movie posters are so pretty i don't know which to choose, so here are all of them!

don't we sometimes wish for an alternate universe where everything we don't like about this is reversed? your parents are your best pals, your boyfriend is the dream, your housekeeping skills rival that of martha and your corporate skills matches the donald.. it's a nice castle to build, but everything has a price. how much are we willing to sacrifice?

but ooh, i so wanna read the book!!! neil gaiman might as well be my new fav author. :)

for lunch, i had a simple pasta and eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

the premise of this movie has long intrigued me: that you could undergo a procedure to completely erase the painful memories of a person or an event or whatever it is that so grieve and cripple you, so one is liberated to move on. don't we all want that at some point of our lives? no? oh wow.

how happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
the world forgetting, by the world forgot.
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd.

alexander pope :: eloisa to abelard

but do we really want to forget? do we really want hazy memories of ripped diary pages and drawing blanks? well, at the points when emotions are at their most intense, when vivid memories cause long nights and wads of used tissues, who wouldn't say yes? but again, do we really want to forget? mm.. my jury is still out on this one.

you know, i'm envious of movie review writers who are able to articulate so clearly what they see and beyond in what they watch. me, i just went with a simple rating of how emotionally moved i am on a scale of 1-5, but it's just something rather subjective and almost impossible to quantify. like, what does 3.5 mean?

* maybe i should warn against crap like ninja assassin which still gives me the hives. i really do hate it to have wasted time watching turkeys like those - i would much prefer staring into blank space - at least what goes on in my head is farrr more interesting!

** yeah i don't know what's up with the CAPS and exclamation marks! just excited i guess.

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