Sunday, February 7, 2010

my mom was admitted to the hosp on Thu on suspicion of dengue, as she's had fever for more than a week running now. thank God the blood test came back negative, but she's still being warded for observation. her temp's been oscillating between 38 & 39 degree celcius the past few days. doc said there will be another round of blood test tmr. :|

i pray that she wld be all right soon. it's her birthday on Sunday. she's turning 55. like, wow.

coffee, tea and me
i became a "tea person" sometime last year. i don't quite rber exact details surrounding the epiphany, but i was aware of the events leading up to it.. helping myself to a bunch of free tea bags from hilton when we had an event there, buying green tea teabags from the hypermarket, occasionally choosing tea over coffee to go with the cake at dessert.. it just happened.

one reason i like tea is that i could drink it without sugar. milk with tea is a definite No-no. my body plain rejects it. but coffee's all right. one of my fav tea place is societea, a fortuitous find for both chongy and i [can't wait til we get to hang out again, when her theatrical endeavor ends (expect another promo on this soon :)]. love the ambience and the selection of tea. :)

depending on mood, i usu get either mocha or americano -- weirdly these are both extremes, one very sweet, the other rather bitter -- from the ubiquitous starbuck joints. it's in the 'indulge' category right now, it's just too pricey for a poor office worker like me. boo hoo. anyways, i don't take latte/cappucino after seeing how it's prepared -- the amount of milk put in just puts me off. blergh.

i like the kopitiam variety too. the proliferation of kopitiams around KL in the past few years made getting a cuppa local joe almost effortless. i usu go to oldtown or hailam (not pappa rich cos they are so expensive. the rich in their name must have referred what we would make them). i also like cafe chawan in bangsar, which has like 15 various types (maybe more) of coffee from all over msia.. ipoh, kluang, tenom, kemaman, cap kapal api, cap tupai, you name it. the only thing i don't like abt that plc is that it's open air = smokers. urgh.

nevertheless, a nicely chilled H2O is still my fav bev. ;) think i'll go get a glass before i con't writing. :)

i would so lurrve this tea sub. and while milk repulses me, this jug is so cute!!!!

i read/edited 28 pages of text in under 2 hours on Wed. mm, so i *can* focus if i *need* to, but not if i *want* to.

i crammed one month's worth of notes in a 45min revision, in the train on the way to class. the test paper creamed me. it was awful. sigh.

project 365/2010
life sucks. right now it does. which is all the more why i make myself count my blessings. looking back at the 31 items that i had in January does remind me that yeah, it wasn't that bad. another part of me might argue otherwise.. perspective, girl, perspective.

mm, this kinda remind me.. where's yours? :P

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