Tuesday, January 12, 2010

srsly, how diff is it to get my name right? it's only a 5-letter word ler. i've also gotten Ellise, Elise, Elis before. those are not me lar. and ya, I've tried correcting someone before but she repeated it in the next email - I gave up.. maybe it's the proofreader in me, or maybe it's misplaced pride, but it irks me.

my hubby gets it worse: Thed, Thadius, Thaddious.. i tink "Tedius" is by far the funniest. hahaha.. but his name is more difficult to spell. interesting that we both have very uncommon names.

but really, there's no need to embark on a full research, it's just averting the eyes by 10 degrees to check the previous email. I would appreciate it if you would just try.. :)

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