Thursday, May 23, 2013


I tend to listen to things I like over and over again for an extended period (which kinda explains why I don't have the time to be exploratory with more music, cos I'm basically stuck on one repeat or another haha). anyway, I'm sure we all do that. and why not, right? here I just wanna note down what fill my ears daily (for this week at least):

driving to and from work, i've been looping Hillsong United's Zion for over a month now. I really do think that it's a very well written and produced album, with new sounds (for a worship album) that don't distract from the message. two thumbs up! my favorite tracks: Oceans (Where Feet May Fail), Relentless, Mercy Mercy, A Million Suns, Scandal of Grace, Nothing Like Your Love... you know, I'm thisclose to listing the whole album, so you might just want to head to HSU's Youtube channel and check it out yourself. :)

at work, I'm still listening to Cmdr Hadfield's very EPIC rendition of Space Oddity, and all the king's men and all the king's horses haven't been able to collect all the pieces of my blown mind from the other day, what more to put it back together. I don't know how this video could be topped! this, btw, was how it was done.

at home, I've been listening to Jacky Cheung's songs the past few nights, and letting this playlist singing me to sleep (in lieu of the husband.. who is coming back tmrw morning after being away for two weeks!) and the occassional Leehom videos.. like this one, it was really good! it's a game show called The Million Star where the participants (in this case, LH) have to sing songs from various categories karaoke-style but halfway through, the lyrics would be blanked out and the participant has to guess the words. I'm amazed (but not surprised hehe) that Leehom has really good memory! he could remember words to songs he hasn't sang in years! he lost in the end because he wasn't familiar with the song (which was a Mayday song hehe).. so yeah. (and yes, I just have to mention him in this post la la la..)

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