Thursday, March 31, 2011

I wish I was asleep now. But this post isn't going to write itself. Heh. Sifting through the many train of thoughts to see if there are any worthy entries.

... guess not, so let's see what we can have.

Today's been good, EXCEPT for the part when I found out that Switchfoot is coming to KL after all. My only consolation is thay I'll be away that day for a holiday ;) but I feel bad for my friends who've gotten their tix. Need to find a way to milk the trip down south for every cent it's worth. Sigh.

Oh, this is exciting: I bought a tix to watch the musical The Sound of Music! I can't fully be excited tho' cos I spent a fortune on the tix. My conscience is gnawing at my heart.

Can you believe this, I've got two of the most wonderful things I love in two paras and I'm sighing? I'm just thankful for the side income I'm getting from giving tuition (and an invigilation stint this Saturday) -- but there goes the plan to save up. Next paycheck, I promise. Heh.

Mm what else? Why ain't I sleeping yet. Missing the husby, but three weeks should be bearable. :) I'm fairly independent, so please don't frown. I'm just excited for him.

Planning to go on a fast in view of Lent but it's been so long since the last time I did it that I don't know where my willpower has gone hiding. Come out, come out wherever you are. I'd reallt like to spend more time praying. Will soon be drown in worries and heartbreak otherwise.

A random last note (not so random, the last thing i saw on TV before switching it off was his Baby MV): I don't get (Justin) Bieber's detractors. I'm not a fan of his and that's that. Life goes on, right? But many (adults, no less) see it fit to call him hurtful names and deride his work, just because he's not their idea of who/what he's supposed to be. (I'm beginning to sound like I'm gonna do a leave-britney-alone eh? haha) It's just that I find such behaviour malicious and downright inexcusable. Plus he's a kid -- what kind of adults are we?

Good night, earthlings.


  1. pweeetyyy.... pweety fat....March 31, 2011 at 10:14 AM

    they heard ya!

  2. 60 days too late, switchfoot, 60 DAYS TOO LATE.

    don't rub it in, sister, DON'T RUB IT IN. :D
